Dear Colleagues
following you will find an equipment list concerning the appliances in use in our office.
If you decide to transfer patients to our office to let us continue the treatment you started,
I promise you that I will continue the treatment in your way.
Dr. Matthias Katz,
Member of the European Orthodontic Society, London
Our fixed appliances:
- Ormco straightwire twinbracket, 0.022 slot (Roth), Ormco
- Clarity SL 3M
- Damon MX, Ormco
- Inspire Ice, 0.022 slot (Roth), Ormco
- Elasto-Harmoniser Bredent
Our lingual appliances
- Incognito
- in-ovation
Our removable appliances:
- Schwarz appliance
- Essix appliance
- Invisalign
Functional jaw orthopedic appliances:
- Activator
- Bionator
Our appliances (splints) for joint relaxation:
- Michigan appliance
- NTI (nociceptiv trigeminal inhibition) appliance
Our appliance treating pathological snoring
- TAP appliance, Scheu Dental
Orthopanthomograph OP100D (digital) instrumentarium